Test Code LAB54 Calcium, Ionized, Blood
Reporting Title
Calcium, Ionized
Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE)
ISTAT at MH and SH
Useful in monitoring calcium status in patients with altered acid-base balance, abnormal albumin and protein levels, and renal patients.
Performing Laboratory
OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH, GMC, DH, DMH, MGH, GCMH, MH, SH, PMH Core Laboratories
Specimen Requirements
Draw a full, gold-top or a speckled-top serum gel tube. Tube must be full. Spin down and send specimen refrigerated. Do not open tube. Do not transfer blood to other containers.
Note: Syringes used for blood gases and labeled “ABG and electrolytes” contain balanced heparin and may be used for ionized calcium when a whole blood specimen may be needed.
Required for I-STAT at MH and SH: Draw a full dark green/sodium heparin tube. Sample must be tested within 10 minutes of collection
Serum stable for 4 days in an unopened tube.
Whole Blood stable for 4 hours in an unopened tube.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Refrigerate/Ambient/Frozen NO
Reference Values
4.5-5.3 mg/dL
Critical values <3.0 mg/dL or >6.5 mg/dL
Alerting category: Always called within 1 hour
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday; Continuously
Test Classification and CPT Coding