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Page 1 of 4 Tests Beginning with H 99 entries

LAB1237  Haemophilus influenzae Type B Antibody, IgG, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB1562  Halibut, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB191  Haloperidol, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB1583  Hamster Epithelium, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB89  Haptoglobin (HPT), Plasma or Serum OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH Core Laboratory
LAB614  Hazelnut-Food, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HRTVS  Heartland Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HRTVC  Heartland Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Spinal Fluid Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB1019  Heavy Metals Screen with Demographics, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HMHA  Heavy Metals, Hair Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB158  Helicobacter pylori Antibody IgG, Serum OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH Special Testing
LAB572  Helicobacter pylori Breath Test Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB93805  Helicobacter pylori Culture with Antimicrobial Susceptibilities, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB93821  Helicobacter pylori with Clarithromycin Resistance Prediction, Molecular Detection, PCR, Feces Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HPRP  Helicobacter pylori with Clarithromycin Resistance Prediction, Molecular Detection, PCR, Tissue Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB630  Helminthosporium halodes, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB289  Hematocrit (Hct), Blood OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH, GMC, DH, DMH, MGH, GMH, HMH, GCMH, DHC, WECC, PMH, MH, SH and OBH Core Laboratories.
LAB93469  Hematologic Neoplasms, TP53 Somatic Mutation, DNA Sequencing Exons 4-9, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB93505  Hematology-Cell Count and Differential, Bronchoalveolar Lavage OhioHealth Laboratory Services-Hematology RMH, GMC, DH, MGH
LAB753  Hemoglobin (Hgb) and Hematocrit (Hct), Blood OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH, GMC, DH, DMH, MGH, GMH, HMH, GCMH, DHC, WECC, PMH, MH, SH, SMC, and OMH Core Laboratories.
LAB291  Hemoglobin (Hgb), Blood OhioHealth Laboratory Services- RMH, GMC, DH, DMH, MGH, GMH, HMH, GCMH, DHC, WECC, PMH, MH, SH, BH, SMC and OBH Core Laboratories.
LAB90118  Hemoglobin (Hgb), Plasma OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH Special Testing
LAB90  Hemoglobin A1C OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH, GMC, DH, MH and MGH Core Laboratories
LAB90122  Hemoglobin A2, Quantitation OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH Core Hematology
LAB90123  Hemoglobin F Quantitation, Blood OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH Core Hematology