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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code LAB91017 Pathologist Blood Smear Interpretation

Reporting Title

Pathologist Blood Smear Interpretation


Manual Review of Wright-Giemsa Stained Smear by Clinical Pathologist

Performing Laboratory

OhioHealth Laboratory Services-RMH and Grant Core Hematology

Specimen Requirements

Draw blood in a lavender-top (EDTA) tube(s), and send EDTA whole blood. Mix by gently inverting 8 times. Forward unprocessed whole blood promptly at ambient temperature only. Do not refrigerate.


1. If requesting as a physician request, reason for pathology review is required.

2. CBCD (LAB293) must be ordered in conjunction with the Pathologist Interpretation.

3. A pathologist interpretation is only performed whenever the laboratory’s established review criteria has been met.

Specimen Transport Temperature

Ambient/Refrigerate NO/Frozen NO

Reference Values

Clinical pathology report

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Friday and emergency situations only

Test Classification and CPT Coding